Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Convert M4A to MP3 Easily
The software available on has been rated as 100% clean by Softpedia and also have several top ratings from sites like c|net and tucows. Making sure that any software downloads are clean before installing them onto your computer is crucial, so these top reviews can certainly give peace of mind to anyone who is looking for an easy way to convert M4A files to MP3 files.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Spending Money
Thanks for the post from Sylvester Campbell
We were spending money like we had it when my husband lost his job last year. Out of nowhere he just got fired so we had to cut back big time to avoid getting in financial trouble. We had some savings but it certainly wasn’t enough to keep up our lifestyle for a long time so I had to make some tough choices right off the bat. Some were easy like cancelling our wine of the month club membership and also talking to all our magazine subscription companies and asking them to cancel me and give me the money back. I looked into New York energy rates to get us a better deal and I even somehow got out of the lease on the Lexus. I feel good about where we are right now and I think we’ll be okay. My husband’s had some good leads when it comes to new jobs and you know, that’s fine by me. There’s something to be said for taking control of your finances for life!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Christmas Gift Ideas
Online Spell Check
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Using Instant Messaging During The Holidays
Instant messaging is a great online communication tool because it allows businesses and individuals to talk online to their colleagues, friends, and family members anywhere in the world where there is internet access.
Because things can get pretty hectic during the holidays, using an instant messenger for communication is a great way to stay in touch with employees that are traveling for the holidays. Having a more flexible, work from home schedule during the holidays can allow employees to get work done while also spending time with their family. Instant messaging programs like Brosix make staying in touch so much easier.
Instant messaging programs can also be great for families who aren't all together during the holidays. Some instant messaging programs have Video Chat, which can allow families to see one another one the holidays themselves, which can have a lot of meaning to families who are located far apart from one another.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Finding a Print Vendor
Advertising on Your Blog with Linknami
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Creating eCards for the Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is next week already, and because I especially enjoy this "Turkey Day", I enjoy sending Thanksgiving ecards to my friends and family that I won't be able to see next Thursday. There are several different resources available online to find pretty and heartwarming ecards, including sites like
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Watching Pierce's antics on Community
Guest post written by Leann Greg
Whenever I heard anything about Chevy Chase, for years I thought about him in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation movie because it's a family tradition to watch that movie every single year. So when I first heard that he was going to be on Community again, I envisioned him as Clark like in all the National Lampoon's movies. Well, Pierce definitely isn't like that on the show Community. But I still love him either way.
Before the new season started again, I decided that I would try and look online with my wireless internet Honolulu to see if I could find some info about what's going on with his character this season.
I knew that in the premiere when I saw that his character Pierce was going to act better, I thought that it would be just so weird for him. Of course we found out by the end of the episode that Pierce was up to his old tricks again. But I wouldn't love his character on the show or the show if his character wasn't like that.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Looking for a New Computer
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The Checklist
The Author of this post is Herman Barry
There are so many things I didn't think about before I moved in to my new house, but I sure am finding out about them now! For example, you would've thought I would have to run to the store and buy the blinds the very first day I moved in so as to prevent people from looking in my first floor windows while I slept! I also didn't realize I would need to purchase HIGH SPEED INTERNETsince dial-up was the only ground option in my area. I thought that painting the walls would be much easier than it actually was, so there was an expense I had never thou! ght of: hiring painters. I didn't think that not having a garage would be that big a deal, that was until the first hailstorm! I wish I had considered that when I was looking into this particular house. I think I've handled all the challenges pretty well as they've come to me, but I'm ready to stop dealing with problems and start enjoying my home!